Strathmore Ag Academy Students Experience Lindcove REC

Oct 7, 2016

Strathmore Ag Academy Students Experience Lindcove REC

Oct 7, 2016

Freshmen Ag Academy students from Strathmore High School participated in science and mechanics training at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center on Oct 6.  The ag science students studied the insect citricola scale, collected samples of scale-infested leaves from a pesticide trial, and calculated and plotted mean densities to determine which treatment worked the best.  The Ag Mechanics students learned about the operations of the greenhouse, irrigation system, fruit grading system in the packline and utilized shop tools to construct a wooden box.  The Ag Academy program is designed to prepare students for careers in agriculture and we were excited to be a part of that training.  

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By Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell
Author - Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist