On February 23, more than 60 Tulare County Master Gardeners were given advanced training on citrus production and pest management at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center. Lance Walheim, writer for Sunset magazine, provided background on citrus origins and described the many citrus varieties available to the public. Craig Kallsen, UCCE Kern County Farm Advisor, discussed the basics of irrigation and fertilization of citrus and gave a demonstration of how to properly prune citrus. Dr. Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Director of Lindcove REC, lectured on the best way to manage common citrus pests and explained how homeowners can help in the fight against the Asian citrus psyllid and deadly Huanglongbing disease. Dr. Rock Christiano, Citrus Clonal Protection Program Research Associate, explained why it is so important to create trees with bud material that is disease-free and gave a demonstration of citrus grafting techniques. This was an information-packed, indoor/outdoor, enjoyable teaching event for all.
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